10 essential reasons to create a website

10 essential reasons to create a website

In today's world, where people spend the majority of their time on the internet, having an online presence has become essential for any business. In this article, we will introduce you to 10 essential reasons to create a website is a crucial step for your company.

Whether you run a start-up, an SME or a business, having your own website is no longer an option if you want to exist and grow in today's digital world.

I've identified the best reasons for you create a website and why you need to create your website now if you want to maximise your visibility and your business. Hang on, we're taking off!

1. Create a website to boost your credibility

These days, your website is the cornerstone that inspires confidence in your brand image and lends credibility to your expertise in the eyes of your customers. Without a professional website in your name, you risk losing prospects to your competitors, who have invested in an attractive digital shop window. You absolutely must keep up with the times if you want to stay in the race.

2. A site to generate leads en masse

With a well-designed site focused on conversion, you can literally boost the generation of quality leads for your business. Using forms, call-to-actions and online appointment pages, you can easily capture your prospects' contact details to develop your customer base. It's the simplest and most effective way to boost your sales. Everyone agrees on that.

3. Create a website to sell your products 24 hours a day

As you may already know, 1 in 5 purchases in the world is now made on the internet! And this figure is growing every year. With an e-commerce platform or sales tunnels directly integrated into your website, you can literally DOUBLE your turnover by selling your products and services digitally, automatically, without geographical limits or time constraints. It's amazing the potential this represents for increasing your income!

4. A site to retain your existing customers

Your website will be the ideal place to follow and animate your community of fans or existing customers. Newsletter, members' area, forum, special offers, events: these are just some of the features you can use to maintain a close relationship with your customers and build their loyalty over the long term. Lose fewer customers and maximise your customer value with these simple actions. This is undoubtedly THE key to boosting the growth and profitability of any business launching on the web today.

5. A site to better understand your customers

Thanks to your site's analytical data (Google Analytics), sometimes combined with heatmap or user path recording plugins, you'll FINALLY be able to know exactly what your prospects are doing when they arrive on your website: what content they're reading, where they're clicking, what's blocking the conversion, etc. PRECIOUS data for boosting your results by developing your site in the right direction. Your competitors are probably already doing this. Now it's up to you!

10 essential reasons to create a website

10 essential reasons to create a website

6. A site to develop your brand

Your website will be your brand's central HUB, the place of reference that conveys your identity, affirms your values and highlights your strengths. With engaging content and designs that reflect your branding, your website will considerably boost the emotional connection with your prospects and release your brand's full potential. Storytelling is waiting for you. Go for it!

7. A site to target the right keywords

With an optimised website, you'll FINALLY be able to choose the right keywords and expressions related to your business to position each of your pages well. By structuring your content for natural referencing and taking care of your netlinking, your site will make progress on the Google searches that are most strategic for your business and your catchment area. In this way, you'll attract a LOT more highly-qualified prospects who are ready to buy what you're selling. It's a meticulous job, but one that can be automated once you've started properly.

8. A site to reduce your other advertising

By attracting more free traffic via search engines, you'll be able to drastically reduce your advertising budgets on Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. In fact, for equivalent traffic, the ROI of a well-optimised site is 5 to 10 times better in the long term than a sponsored campaign. It's mathematical! Invest wisely and save a MAX by investing in your website as you should.

9. A site to boost local development

Thanks to local SEO optimisations, your website will also stand out better when users type in searches using the name of your town or region. Targeting traffic from your geographical area is ESSENTIAL when you're a physical business if you want to attract more prospects directly to your point of sale. Just don't forget to activate Google My Business to boost your local performance even more.

10. Create a website to stand out from the competition

And finally, let's not forget that with 95% of searches being done on Google, NOT having a website today in the face of your competitors, who have a strong presence, is like deciding not to exist and to exit the market. Remember that your rivals are investing THOUSANDS of francs in their websites and search engine optimisation precisely to take your market share if you don't keep up. So GET MOVING and create that essential site QUICKLY to stay in the race!


You've got it: creating your website is now going to be THE sine qua non for any business success, any growth and any scaling up of your activity. It's the foundation, the starting point of any self-respecting marketing strategy. So now there's no excuse: get started and contact us now for a free audit to get your project off to a flying start.

In conclusion, a website is not an expense, but a profitable investment over the medium and long term. Don't overlook this valuable opportunity for your business. Creating a website will help you thrive in an increasingly connected world. To find out more about creating websites for your business, don't hesitate to contact us.

10 essential reasons to create a website in Switzerland