Top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign

Top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign

There are a number of reasons to change and update your website, some more compelling than others. However, redesigning or completely redesigning your website is probably one of the last things you think about in your business.

However, it is important to understand and recognise the vital role that your website plays in your efforts to acquire new customers. But also the overall impact it has on your company's sales and revenue.

Top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign

For marketing to be effective, all touch points with a potential customer must be aligned. This includes your website, which is one of your most important sellers. When considering a redesign of your website, which is your primary storefront and a key player in your lead generation efforts, consider these Top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign.

If you recognize yourself in one or more of the foundations listed below, we strongly recommend that you contact us in order to organize an analysis of your current site and to offer you a free quote for a web redesign.

1. Are you ashamed of your website?

If you don't want to give out your website address because you're afraid of what your prospects might think, it might be time to consider a website redesign. In meetings and interviews, I meet many business owners who simply don't want anyone to visit their website because they know their website is outdated.

Negative effect : A bad website can hurt your business far more than no website at all, because of the perception it gives of your business.

2. Your website is not mobile friendly?

The responsive design or reagent allows a website to easily adapt to the screen size of any mobile device. Looking at your analytics, if you find that a large portion of your website visitors are coming from a mobile device, it's time to adopt a responsive design. Your website visitors may be using different mobile devices such as Smartphone, iPad, Tablets, etc.

Negative effect : + With over 60 % of current searches being done from a mobile device, it will inevitably impact your credibility, click-through rate and sales if your site does not adapt.

3. Is your website not optimised?

Your site may have been built using a template with dynamic URLs. A website redesign can help you improve the architecture of your site so that it is more search engine friendly.

A website redesign can help you improve your coding and make your website as a whole more search engine friendly. The basic advice is to use custom page URLs, Hn tags, page titles and alt tags. But also, use a more advanced content management system that will make it easier to optimise your website.

Negative effect : If your site is not optimised for search engines, you may have better content than your competition, but you will be left behind in online searches. Don't let one of these Top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign destroy your reputation.

4. Do you want to improve the security of your website?

Cybersecurity is perhaps one of the biggest concerns of our time, and small businesses and entrepreneurs are just as vulnerable to hacking and viruses as large companies. If your website was created several years ago and has not been updated since then, you are more exposed to malware and hacking.

Negative effect : In the event that your site is hacked, your domain name will be blacklisted by Google, your reputation will be damaged and your content will be removed or downgraded in the search engine results. This is one of the most important Top 10 Reasons to Redesign Web.

Top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign

5. Is your website using outdated technology?

Perhaps your site is still built in Flash or HTML, which is difficult for search engines to read. But also difficult to access on mobile devices, or probably your site is running on plugins that haven't been updated for years.

Updating your website with the latest technology and plugins will help your site perform better and more efficiently, providing a better user experience for your visitors.

Negative effect : As seen in the previous section, security flaws often come from old technologies or extensions that have never been updated.

Let's continue the list of Top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign

6. Do you want more control over your website?

By having more control over the management of your website, you don't have to wait for someone else to make changes for you. You also have the flexibility to add content (relevant articles that help SEO) without having to pay a web company for each update. We train you to use your website and modification of the modules you need.

Negative effect : Some web agencies use complicated platforms or technologies that only they can master. It is therefore complicated or costly to make changes, your site has remained unchanged for too long and has incorrect information or is no longer up to date.

7. Want to improve conversions from your site?

A new design with good calls to action allows you to better optimise your website for conversion generation. Implementing calls to action on every page of the site, including your blog, to make the most of every opportunity to convert visitors into customers, will contribute significantly to your bottom line.

Negative effect : It is impossible for a customer to contact us if we do not put buttons or direct links to the contact page, and contact forms easy to use, reliable and able to handle any request. One of the top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign if we are talking strictly about results.

8. Is your company reorienting itself?

It is not unusual for a company to adapt to the times. Sometimes it is because the niche it occupied is no longer relevant, while other times it is because it has found a better segment of users to target.

When a company's mission, purpose or offering has changed, a rebranding (or even a complete redesign) is required.

Negative effect : Your logo and branding no longer match the company's story or mission. Website images and messages are inaccurate or inconsistent and your potential customers will be confused. Don't wait for one of these top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign to do it, anticipate!

9. Do your customers or users complain?

Working closely with your customer service team or secretary is an excellent way to identify problems with your current website. Your website design and content strategy should be reviewed if your customer service team is receiving calls from people who say some of the things listed below:

  • I can't find you online.
  • Your website is not usable on a mobile device.
  • I am having trouble checking and buying your products.
  • Where is your company located?
  • Can't I send you a message?

10. Does your website seem slow?

Did you know that 47 % of consumers expect a website to load in less than two seconds, and 40 % will abandon a website if it takes longer than three seconds to load? Google has also incorporated website speed into its algorithm to reward websites that load quickly.

We hope that these Top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign will help you. It's easy to become complacent when your website is doing well and bringing in customers, but it's also important to maximise opportunities and anticipate changes in technology.

Your Web Redesign with a trusted agency

Top 10 reasons to do a Web Redesign